Genesis Church: Blog - Page 296

Devotion – Hosea 5

The story contained in the musical Phantom of the Opera revolves around a man whose heart and face have been disfigured, but whose music compels a young girl named Christine to follow him.  The Phantom gives her the gift of music and the opportunity to be a famous singer in exchange for her love.  Christine […]

Article on Pentecost in the Post

Today is Pentecost, the celebration of the day that the Holy Spirit first came to dwell in Christians.  I was rather impressed with the article in this morning’s St. Louis Post Dispatch by religion writer, Tim Townsend on the topic (Pentecost marks the beginning of the church). Thought you might like to read about this […]

Talking about God and the things of God with your kids

Tomorrow morning I plan to preach out of the book of Malachi about parenting and leading children to believe the Gospel.  Let me tell you a few things I believe about the church’s involvement with children.  First, the Bible is clear that parents are the primary educators and pastors in the lives of their kids.  […]

My denominational heritage – the environment, climate change, and stewardship

O.K., so I have to say that this is one of the times I am proud of the folks associated with my denominational heritage, Southern Baptists.  Most of the time, they are about 10 years behind important cultural issues, but I think they are in step with the concerns of our world right now.  In […]

Devotion – Hosea 4

You will become what you worship.  I’m not talking about singing a few songs or saying prayer or two.  You and I were made to worship, and our hearts will exalt something to the place of supremacy.  What happens is that our lives will become an image of that which we place as supreme in […]