Genesis Church: Blog - Page 294

Devotions – Hosea introduction

INTRODUCTION I love being married.  My wife and I have a wonderful relationship based on love and trust.  I have to tell you that we have a lot of fun together, and our relationship brings a significant amount of joy.  I cannot think of anything worse in this life than to find out that my […]

Making Sense of Floods and Other Suffering

A few weeks ago, our family rented a movie that was produced by a church and released in theaters. The movie did fairly well, and we were pleasantly surprised at the quality of the cinematography. Yet, I struggled with the underlying message of the movie. Basically, the storyline pictured a person who had a litany […]

Devotion – John 21

Have you ever messed up? Especially with God, have you ever done something that almost made you ashamed to call yourself a Christian? I have, wow, lots of times. I can remember times when I was with people who asked me if I was a Christian, and somehow, I acted like I wasn’t. There have […]

Devotion – John 20

Well, the week after Easter.  What an appropriate time to read the story of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. How do you know Christianity is true?  Think about it.  There are thousands of religions in the world.  Each of these religions have a dynamic leader who taught about their god and how to live.  These […]

OK, so we are going to be at EHS for Easter!

Well, the flood waters did not come as high as originally expected, and they crested and started falling sooner than they thought.  The result is that we will have our Easter service at Eureka High School, our normal location at our normal time, 10:00 AM.  If you’ve invited people, be sure to let them know.  […]
