Genesis Church: Blog - Page 272

Bible Reading Plan – July

This is our Bible reading plan for July.  Whether you have been hanging with us since January, or just want to start, download this and jump in.  We have a one chapter a day plan that will take you through books of the New Testament, a two chapter plan that includes Old Testament, and a […]

Mission Charleston – Day 6

I’m sitting here, 7 AM Saturday morning, an empty room other than the babies and Josiah still asleep.  Around the building I’ve heard a few stirrings of people headed to the shower or to pick up breakfast.  In another hour the Shining Light Ministry Center will be a bustle as we get all of our […]

Charleston Mission Trip Pictures

Go view all of our pictures from the Charleston Mission Trip on our Flickr page here.

Mission Charleston – Day 5

Jim Breeden is our blogger tonight. Day five on mission in Charleston, MO…in spite of hot weather (95 plus ), tired bodies, and living on the edge of new task the group is moving forward with great grace and steadfast energy. Today was a community clothes give away,  building walls, hanging and taping drywall, presenting […]

Books on Marriage

We encouraged our couples to choose a book that would help them grow in their marriage this summer.  Here is a list with some ideas.  The books in bold are ones that I highly recommend. Overall marriage/theology of marriage This Momentary Marriage by John Piper The Intimate Marriage by R. C. Sproul Reforming Marriage by […]