Genesis Church: Blog - Page 272

The cross – where God’s righteousness, justice, and love kiss

This past Sunday we discussed one of the most difficult topics for Christians to address, the belief in hell and a God who judges.  In the message, I tried to explain that the Biblical idea of hell is a direct result of our understanding of the holiness of God.  God is perfect, beautiful, glorious, and […]

Good Story – Family with 25 Kids

I always enjoy feel-good stories, especially ones that flow from people’s faith.  In yesterday’s St. Louis Post Dispatch, the cover story was about a family who had 25 children, 22 of them adopted.  The web version has some good pictures and a slide show.  Wanted to pass it on. God bless.

Devotion – Hebrews 2

One of the most frightening events that ever took place in my life happened one afternoon on a lake called Crab Orchard in Southern Illinois when a storm blew in.  I was waterfowl hunting with a friend of mine that morning.  As the day started, it was a bit windy, but we weren’t too concerned.  […]

The difference between doubt and unbelief

I spoke to a few people this week and had an interesting question raised about Thomas from the story in John 20:24-29.  My son Andy stated it best, as he asked if Thomas was given in this passage as a model to follow or whether he was a picture of what not to be.  Often […]

Devotion – Hebrews 1

My cable TV package has two “Christian” TV networks.  Both of these have all kinds of teaching and preaching programs.  On one of the stations, there is a lady with huge, pink hair, a guy who lays hands on people and knocks them over, and another man who predicts the future with so called prophecies […]