Tag Archive: Homework for Singles

Everybody Loves Marriage – Week 9 Project, Singles
Posted July 9th, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

While doing a series of messages on marriage, it may seem that we are denying the very real truth that being single is also very valuable. The series was designed to speak into the lives of married couples to help them build strong, covenant marriages. But it was also designed to challenge those who are […]

Everybody Loves Marriage – Week 8 Project, Singles
Posted July 2nd, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

This week’s message talked about God’s plan for sex and how we as fallen people make a god out of sexuality. One of the sins involved is having sex with the wrong person. Obviously, the desire to have sex is a significant problem for single people. We all want it, and given the right circumstances, […]

Everybody Loves Marriage Project – Week 6, Singles
Posted June 18th, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

This week we want you to do a little Bible study. Read Hosea 1:2-3 and Hosea 3:1-5 and answer the following questions. -Retell the story in your own words -Why is this an incredible story of forgiveness and restoration? -Why would forgiveness in this situation be difficult? What obstacles would keep you from giving this […]

Everybody Loves Marriage – Week 5 Project for singles (ladies)
Posted June 10th, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

This week’s project is for the ladies, so guys, you are off the hook (although you need to be sure to do last week’s project). The challenge this week was to become the woman God designed you to be. We want to encourage you to listen to a sermon by Mark Driscoll at Mars Hill […]

Everybody Loves Marriage – Week 4 Project for singles (guys)
Posted June 5th, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

Ladies – you are welcome to read this blog, but since we talked about a man’s leadership, this project is designed for them. O.K. guys, the challenge this week was to man up, to be the type of guy who will be a leader in their home. Your project for this week is a simple […]