Tag Archive: Easter - Page 4

Getting ready for Easter – Saturday
Posted April 6th, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

Join us this morning (Saturday), 10:00 AM at Solid Rock Coffee House for a time for prayer for Easter. Scripture – Isaiah 53 The prophet Isaiah wrote these words about 700 years before Jesus birth. God allowed Isaiah to look forward and see an image of Jesus. So here is the big question; who killed […]

Getting ready for Easter – Friday
Posted April 5th, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

Don’t forget our “Good Friday Service” tomorrow at Watertower Christian Ministries in South St. Louis. Meet at EHS, 9:00 AM. Scripture – John 19:1-30 Personal exercise – Use the arts today. Lots of options. If you are a writer, write a prayer, a poem, or a story that expresses feelings and ideas about the cross. […]

Getting ready for Easter – Thursday
Posted April 4th, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

Scripture: Matthew 26:36-56 Jesus’ prayer in Gethsemane has two overarching themes that get me. First, we have the failure of Jesus best friends to pray with him when He was in anguish. I can’t be too hard on these guys because there are countless times I have failed to pray with people when they needed […]

Getting ready for Easter – Wednesday
Posted April 3rd, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

Scripture – Mark 14:22-31 What a great gift Jesus gave when he began the ordinance of Communion, a tangible way to remember His incredible sacrifice for you and me. We will be celebrating Communion on Sunday morning as part of worship as a reminder of the great lengths Jesus went to make our relationship with […]

Getting ready for Easter – Tuesday
Posted April 2nd, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

Scripture – John 13:1-20 The devotionals for the next three days will focus on the events that took place the last night of Jesus’ earthly life before the cross, known as Maundy Thursday. Jesus and the twelve disciples went to a private place to celebrate the Passover. During the evening, Jesus did something that was […]