Tag Archive: Suffering

“I Am With you to Save You”
Posted July 1st, 2019 by Mike Hubbard

I have been reading the Old Testament prophet Jeremiah during my time with the Lord, and a phrase in a verse from Jeremiah 30 caught my attention today, so much so, that I wanted to write on it as a prayerful devotion, at least for myself and maybe for you. In the midst of some […]

Resources for Suffering
Posted July 18th, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

Sermon this past Sunday looked at our response to tragedy and suffering.  Here are some recommended resources if you or someone you know is going through a dark period of life. Glorious Ruin: How Suffering Sets us Free by Tullian Tchividjian – I highly recommend this book, really a good read for anyone, because we […]

6 Pillars of a Christian View on Suffering – From Gospel Coalition
Posted July 14th, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

I plan on posting several posts this week on the topic of suffering, hoping to share Scriptures, resources, etc. on the topic.  But wanted to start with a link to a good blogpost from the Gospel Coalition which has thoughts from theologian D. A. Carson on the subject.  The blogpost also has a link to […]

Matt Chandler at Together for the Gospel
Posted April 27th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

I’ve posted a few blogs about Matt Chandler, Pastor of the Village Church in the Dallas area and his journey through brain cancer.  He recently spoke at a national conference called Together for the Gospel sharing the things he is learning about suffering well for the glory of God.  Worth the watch. http://vimeo.com/10959675

Questioning God over Haiti
Posted January 26th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

Natural evil is one of the most difficult challenges to our faith in God.  When horrible natural events like the Haitian earthquake take place, many wonder why a God who could act did not.  Found this blog on the Resurgence website that is worth the read on this topic.