Tag Archive: Haiti

Haiti, Disaster & the Power of God
Posted January 14th, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

Just read this blog from Mark Driscoll about the work God is doing in Haiti in the midst of the rubble.  Amazing stuff about God’s glory in the midst of horrible ruin.  Enjoy.

Driscoll sermon on Haiti
Posted January 28th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church and the President of Acts 29 went to Haiti last week, and this past Sunday he preached on what he saw and how the experience impacted him.  I have to warn you it is tough, but I also want to encourage you to watch it.  He has several video […]

Questioning God over Haiti
Posted January 26th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

Natural evil is one of the most difficult challenges to our faith in God.  When horrible natural events like the Haitian earthquake take place, many wonder why a God who could act did not.  Found this blog on the Resurgence website that is worth the read on this topic.

A praise for Haiti
Posted January 19th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

When events like the earthquake take place, we inevitably wonder what God is doing.  Yet, it is amazing that in the greatest pain and suffering God speaks deeply into people’s lives calling them to himself.  I am sure in the coming days we will hear stories of people coming to Jesus in the aftermath of […]

Keeping Up with Haiti – Joy in Haiti
Posted January 19th, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

A member of our church, Leslie Holdegraver is part of an organization that is seeking to assist churches in Haiti.  She writes a blog that has first hand information about things that are going on.  Wanted to make it available to you here. The organization is Joy in Haiti.  Enjoy.