Genesis Church: Blog - Page 323

Week 7 Project – Couples

This week we want to encourage you to put the principle of stewardship into action. Take a $10 bill together. The goal is to see this $10 as completely God’s money, but He has given it to you as a couple to use for His purpose. As a couple, pray over this money and ask […]

Everybody Loves Marriage Project – Week 6, Singles

This week we want you to do a little Bible study. Read Hosea 1:2-3 and Hosea 3:1-5 and answer the following questions. -Retell the story in your own words -Why is this an incredible story of forgiveness and restoration? -Why would forgiveness in this situation be difficult? What obstacles would keep you from giving this […]

Everybody Loves Marriage Project – Week 6, Couples

This week we want you to do a little Bible study together. Read Hosea 1:2-3 and Hosea 3:1-5 and answer the following questions. -Retell the story in your own words -Why is this an incredible story of forgiveness and restoration? -Why would forgiveness in this situation be difficult? What obstacles would keep you from giving […]

Everybody Loves Marriage – Week 5 Project for couples (ladies)

Hey, guys. If you are reading this post, stop. It is for your wives. Pass it on to her, but you be sure to check out the week 4 project for yourself. This week’s project is for the ladies, so guys, if you have this, pass it on to your wife. The challenge this week […]

Everybody Loves Marriage – Week 5 Project for singles (ladies)

This week’s project is for the ladies, so guys, you are off the hook (although you need to be sure to do last week’s project). The challenge this week was to become the woman God designed you to be. We want to encourage you to listen to a sermon by Mark Driscoll at Mars Hill […]