Genesis Church: Blog - Page 295

Mission Trip Update

I am sitting in a parking lot getting a very weak internet signal, and this is about the best I could do.  But I thought it was worth it to find a free public wifi location to leave everyone back home a bit of an update on our trip to Oak Grove, KY.  There are […]

Martin & Gracia Burnham – Missionaries to the Philippines

We used a video this past Sunday of missionary pilots, Martin & Gracia Burnham.  These two were captured by terrorists while living in the Philippines.  If you didn’t see the video, click this link. I’ve heard from a few of you wanting more information about their story, so I have found a couple articles from […]

Devotion – Hosea 7

My parents never seemed to like the girls I dated. During my high school years, I had several girlfriends. My parents would meet them, and would be very nice to them. But I could tell that there was something bizarre. It would eventually come out that they were not crazy about me seeing this girl. […]

Devotion – Hosea 6

What a sad thing to live life going through the motions.  This type of religion is cold, lifeless, and boring.  Worse of all, this type of religion will never experience the presence of God, except the presence of His discipline.  In this passage, Hosea is pleading with God’s people to return to a real relationship […]

Resources for talking about God and the things of God

I mentioned that I would publish a blog with some suggested resources for families as they seek to engage their kids in spiritual conversations. I cannot tell you how much I believe that the primary place for the spiritual formation of children and teens should be the home. The church is here to assist what […]