Genesis Church: Blog - Page 279

Devotion – Exodus 24

A crisis of belief.  That moment when God has made His will clear, and has spoken about the direction you are to take as one of His Children.  But the direction from God always leads us to do the difficult, and maybe even the impossible.  God is leading you to do something that will only […]

Mars Hill Easter Service

Mars Hill Church in Seattle, pastored by Mark Driscoll, is streaming all of their Easter services live over the internet today. They’re also baptizing people as part of the service. Not that baptizing people isn’t already cool, but to top it off, they’re baptizing people who, themselves, hadn’t planned on getting baptized today. Just a […]

Thoughts on Good Friday – Why a cross?

Crosses and crucifixes have become part of fashion, with all kinds of people wearing them and using them, even many who do not follow Jesus.  For example, Madonna has often used crosses and crucifixes both in her wardrobe and as images in her stage show.  With the imagery so prevalent, it is not hard to […]

Great Slate Magazine Article – “Happy Crossmas!”

It’s a few weeks old, but Slate Magazine published an article about why Easter has resisted the commercialization and de-spiritualization experienced with Christmas. Well written, and definitely gives you something to think about. Happy Crossmas! Why Easter stubbornly resists the commercialism that swallowed Christmas.

Family Devotions for Easter Week

I may have even posted this last year, but John Piper has written eight terrific family devotions for Easter week called Lenten Lights.  Use them to prepare your family for the celebration of the cross and resurrection.