Genesis Church: Blog - Page 276

Obama’s speech and John Piper

Recently there has been quite a bit of hubbub around the upcoming speech being made by President Barack Obama to school children in America.  I know that by even writing about this, I am opening myself to responses from people who might disagree, so feel free to respond.  I found this blog posted by John […]

The “One Anothers” of the New Testament

This morning I will share in my message a key concept as it relates to people living in community with other Christians.  Throughout the New Testament, especially in the epistles (letters) the writers use the Greek pronoun allelion, which is a pronoun that marks reciprocation between two or more people or groups, and is most […]

Devotion – Exodus 39

I don’t know about you, but obedience seems to be one of the hardest lessons for me to learn.  Not that anything in the Christian life is easy (actually everything in the Christian life is impossible apart from Christ), but I find it hard for me to give in to my will and obey God.  […]

Thom Rainer on unchurched attitudes toward churched people

Read this blog by Thom Rainer and it reminded me of the importance of living in Gospel ways with people who are not hanging out at church.  Wanted to pass it along.

Reason for God order form

In the month of October we will start a series of messages titled Doubting Your Doubts which will be based on the book The Reason for God by Tim Keller.  The book deals with some significant questions of doubt and struggle for people who are examining the Christian faith.  We would like to encourage everyone […]