Genesis Church: Blog - Page 275

Xtreme Winter Conference Form – for youth

We plan to take a group of teens to the Xtreme Winter Conference in Branson on December 27-29.  This is the registration form for that event.  We will  also need some adults/college students to hang with us those three days.  If you can go and chaperone, let Mike know. Xtreme 09 form

Devotion – Exodus 40

Probably the number one question I get from people is how they can know the will of God.  These seekers generally are part of the church and have an interest in God’s plan for their lives.  They are looking for some simple answers to understanding how to hear God’s voice and how to make the […]

Post article on Christian Activities Center in E. St. Louis

Over the years I have had many opportunities to live God’s mission and serve in some incredible places.  It thrilled me to see one of those places get some great press in the Post-Dispatch.  The front page of this morning’s edition had a feature article on the Christian Activities Center in East St. Louis. The […]

Family Fun – Picture Scavenger Hunt

As part of our series on parenting, we are going to publish family fun activities that will get families out together, and give them the opportunity to hold a discussion.  This week we have planned a scavenger hunt to be done outdoors somewhere.  Download the PDF for this event below. Family activity – week 1

Resources for Parent Series/Suggested reading for parents

Here is a list of some recommended reading for parents.  I will be using some of these books in my study for the current series On Target Parenting.  I have read many of the other ones over the years, and they are all very good resources.  In this post I am only including books to […]