Genesis Church: Blog - Page 243

Devotion – Proverbs 13

Focus on Proverbs 13:24. My dad used to quote this verse as he was standing over me holding his belt, about to give me a whipping.  I decided then that it was the most evil verse in the Bible.  How could God give parents such a verse? Discipline is not fun.  But to grow up […]

The prayers of Nehemiah

I had a great time preaching through the book of Nehemiah, and all throughout the book I was amazed at what a vital role the prayer life of Nehemiah and the people played in the great things that happened in the book.  This PDF is a study of those prayers, as the prayers of Nehemiah […]

Dying with your Boots On – Stories of the Apostles

The Christian life is often compared to the life of a soldier in the New Testament.  The war analogy is a reminder that there is something worth fighting and worth dying for.  Take a few minutes to read this blog by Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church in Seattle as he explains the mission and […]

Devotion – Proverbs 12

“Honesty, is such a lonely word.  Everyone is so untrue.”  This line from a Billy Joel song pretty much defines our culture.  People will lie about anything.  We lie about our weight.  We lie about our height.  We lie about what we did over the weekend.  We lie about things we have done in the […]

Mission Charleston – Wrap-up

Weeks over, the group is home, our VBS experience with kids from neighborhoods like “the hood”, “the back hood”, “the projects”, and “the ghetto” (these are the names of the African-American neighborhoods in Charleston).  We had a great church, and close to half of our people made it for all or part of the week.  […]