Category Archive: Suggested Resources - Page 23

Article on Pentecost in the Post
Posted May 11th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

Today is Pentecost, the celebration of the day that the Holy Spirit first came to dwell in Christians.  I was rather impressed with the article in this morning’s St. Louis Post Dispatch by religion writer, Tim Townsend on the topic (Pentecost marks the beginning of the church). Thought you might like to read about this […]

My denominational heritage – the environment, climate change, and stewardship
Posted May 9th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

O.K., so I have to say that this is one of the times I am proud of the folks associated with my denominational heritage, Southern Baptists.  Most of the time, they are about 10 years behind important cultural issues, but I think they are in step with the concerns of our world right now.  In […]

Sermon on Baptism
Posted April 25th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

At our weekend service this week, I am going to be speaking on the sacraments of baptism and communion. Baptism is a difficult issue, as we talk about the importance of believer’s baptism, or the need for people who have believed in Jesus to follow that with a public declaration of their faith in baptism. […]

Preparing your family for Holy Week and Easter
Posted March 11th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

One of the things I like to do with this blog is to point people to resources that they can use to grow in their faith, or to lead their family.  Easter is a great teaching moment.  It is a great time for each of us to focus on our utter need of grace and […]

Reform and Resurge Conference
Posted February 26th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

I am in Seattle at Mars Hill Church this week for a great conference sponsored by Acts 29 and Mars Hill Church. It’s been a great, and very challenging week so far, and I appreciate the opportunity to go. Speakers at this conference include Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church in Seattle, author and pastor […]