Category Archive: Church Life and Issues - Page 9

The Shack and the importance of discernment
Posted December 10th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

Every once in a while, a book with Christian themes breaks out of the church world and gets notariety on the larger culture.  The most recent phenomenon is the non-fictional novel titled The Shack by William P. Young.  Right now, this book is #1 on the New York Times bestsellers list for non-fiction paperback trade […]

My denominational heritage – the environment, climate change, and stewardship
Posted May 9th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

O.K., so I have to say that this is one of the times I am proud of the folks associated with my denominational heritage, Southern Baptists.  Most of the time, they are about 10 years behind important cultural issues, but I think they are in step with the concerns of our world right now.  In […]

Sermon on Baptism
Posted April 25th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

At our weekend service this week, I am going to be speaking on the sacraments of baptism and communion. Baptism is a difficult issue, as we talk about the importance of believer’s baptism, or the need for people who have believed in Jesus to follow that with a public declaration of their faith in baptism. […]

OK, so we are going to be at EHS for Easter!
Posted March 22nd, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

Well, the flood waters did not come as high as originally expected, and they crested and started falling sooner than they thought.  The result is that we will have our Easter service at Eureka High School, our normal location at our normal time, 10:00 AM.  If you’ve invited people, be sure to let them know.  […]

Easter Sunday @ Geggie Elementary
Posted March 21st, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

What a week?  As the flood waters rose this week, one thing became apparent.  We are not going to be able to meet at Eureka High School this week.  Here it is, Easter week, the Sunday that should be our biggest of the year, and we have to find a different location.  When I first […]