Tag Archive: Marriage

Prayer for our Marriages
Posted April 22nd, 2018 by Mike Hubbard

Used this prayer in our Marriage Retreat this weekend.  A great prayer for our marriages. Father, your greatest command was to love You and love each other (Matthew 22:36-40). You’ve given marriage as a holy relationship that reflects our relationship with You. Show us how to follow your example and set aside our selfishness and […]

50 Years is a Long Time – Reflections on My Parent’s 50th Anniversary
Posted December 29th, 2014 by Mike Hubbard

Last night was a special night for our family.  We celebrated the 50th anniversary of Andy & Karen Hubbard, my parents, who have left us a legacy of faith and a wonderful example of marriage and proper priorities.  It was a great evening for us as we shared a meal with family and many of […]

Gay Marriage – Answering Questions Raised in Service
Posted August 25th, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

During last week’s service we had a bunch of questions texted to us on our topic. Here are answers to each question. Weston has answered all of them, I’ve (Mike) thrown a few responses in as well. Do you think the church is making a huge mistake by making gay Marriage a big issue? You […]

Resources from Sunday – Gay Marriage
Posted August 22nd, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

This past Sunday Weston did an amazing job dealing with a difficult topic.  This blog has resources for further study and interaction. Washed and Waiting by Wesley Hill – This book helps people understand that same-sex attraction can be more than a choice, it can be a predisposition. I (Weston) disagree with Hill’s use of […]

Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage – Position Paper from the Elders
Posted July 20th, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

This past Sunday the sermon from Mark 10 dealt with the topic of Marriage and Divorce.  We know that this topic will raise a lot of questions, and there is not enough time in a sermon to deal with all of these.  So the Elders have composed a position paper and published it here to […]