Tag Archive: Marriage - Page 3

Bill & Ruth – an example of covenant marriage
Posted June 26th, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

You have probably heard of the death of Ruth Graham, the wife of evangelist Billy Graham, last week. We learn from the Bible that the death of God’s people is precious in His sight. Yet, I am sure that her death has grieved her family and husband. I am writing this blog because her story, […]

Everybody Loves Marriage – Reading list
Posted May 12th, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

The following is a list of Scriptures to be used in upcoming messages in the Everybody Loves Marriage series. We’d like to encourage you to use these passages in your devotional times. If you are married, read these Scriptures with your spouse each week. If you are not married, read and pray through these passages […]