Tag Archive: Lament Psalms

Prayer of Lament for Ukraine
Posted February 27th, 2022 by Mike Hubbard

We will be praying this prayer of lament in our service this morning, standing with the people of Ukraine, especially for our brothers and sisters in Christ in that nation.  This lament is based on Psalm 1o. Oh sovereign and saving God, we come to you today to cry out on behalf of the people […]

Prayer of Lament for Atlanta Shootings
Posted March 21st, 2021 by Mike Hubbard

We prayed this lament in our gathering this morning.  Sharing it out so you can continue to use it to lament and pray for the victims and the Asian-American community. PRAYER OF LAMENT FOR ATLANTA SHOOTINGS We cry out to you, O LORD, as our hearts hurt and our souls question; Why is there so […]

iPray – Ideas for using prayers of Lament
Posted June 1st, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

This week we took a look at a type of Psalm that contains prayers of Lament.  These are prayers where people honestly open their heart to God by expressing anger, frustration, disappointment, and feelings of abandonment to God.  These prayers give us permission to cry out to God when life doesn’t make sense or the […]