Tag Archive: Here I Stand

#Reformation 500 – A Few Final Thoughts
Posted November 2nd, 2017 by Mike Hubbard

This past Tuesday marked the 500th anniversary of the day a quirky Augustinian Monk named Martin Luther nailed a document called the 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg, Germany sparking the Protestant Reformation.  I started thinking about this when I registered for Together for the Gospel in 2016, and we […]

Resource List for the Here I Stand series
Posted September 24th, 2017 by Mike Hubbard

These are books and other resources being used by Mike in his study, and recommended to you for further interaction with the history of the Reformation and the great Gospel truths that came from this period. Online Resource Here We Stand from Desiring God – This has not started yet, but they plan to publish […]