Tag Archive: Christianaudio.com

Piper Book, “Think” is the free resource on Christian Audio
Posted October 3rd, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

John Piper’s book Think: The Life of the Mind and the Love of God is the free resource on Christian Audio this month.  Christian Audio is a terrific site offering a multitude of audio books for download (or they can be bought on CD as well).  While I have not read this book by Piper, […]

Don’t Waste Your Life – Free Download
Posted November 1st, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

From time to time I post a blog about the free resources on Christianaudio.com.  I find that audio books are a good way to “read”.  Each month this website provides a free resource for download, a great service to customers and a good way to introduce people to audio books.  This month they have a […]

Ministries of Mercy by Keller free on Christian Audio
Posted August 2nd, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

Tim Keller’s book Ministries of Mercy is available on Christianaudio.com for free download of the audio book this month.  Keller is the pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan and has written several books, including The Reason for God, The Prodigal God, and Counterfeit Gods. Keller is one of the leading voices in church culture […]

Driscoll book free on Christianaudio.com
Posted February 2nd, 2010 by Mike Hubbard

Mark Driscoll’s book Religion Saves: And Nine Other Misconceptions is available as a free audio book download from Christianaudio.com.  The book is based on a sermon series where he allowed people to vote on topics through the internet, and the did sermons answering the ten most asked questions about faith and religion.  Great way to […]