Genesis Church: Blog - Page 310

Bill & Ruth – an example of covenant marriage

You have probably heard of the death of Ruth Graham, the wife of evangelist Billy Graham, last week. We learn from the Bible that the death of God’s people is precious in His sight. Yet, I am sure that her death has grieved her family and husband. I am writing this blog because her story, […]

Week 7 Project – Singles

This week we want to encourage you to put the principle of stewardship into action. Take a $10 bill. The goal is to see this $10 as completely God’s money, but He has given it to you to use for His purpose. Begin by praying over this money and ask God to lead you in […]

Week 7 Project – Couples

This week we want to encourage you to put the principle of stewardship into action. Take a $10 bill together. The goal is to see this $10 as completely God’s money, but He has given it to you as a couple to use for His purpose. As a couple, pray over this money and ask […]

Everybody Loves Marriage Project – Week 6, Singles

This week we want you to do a little Bible study. Read Hosea 1:2-3 and Hosea 3:1-5 and answer the following questions. -Retell the story in your own words -Why is this an incredible story of forgiveness and restoration? -Why would forgiveness in this situation be difficult? What obstacles would keep you from giving this […]

Everybody Loves Marriage Project – Week 6, Couples

This week we want you to do a little Bible study together. Read Hosea 1:2-3 and Hosea 3:1-5 and answer the following questions. -Retell the story in your own words -Why is this an incredible story of forgiveness and restoration? -Why would forgiveness in this situation be difficult? What obstacles would keep you from giving […]