Genesis Church: Blog - Page 298

“Expelled” and Intelligent Design

I want to let you know about a movie being released to theaters this weekend.  Expelled, No Intelligence Allowed is a documentary looking at the interaction between secular science and the theory of intelligent design.  Ben Stein, made famous by his appearance in Ferris Beuller’s Day Off– “Anyone, Anyone…” –   (he is also an […]

Devotion – Hosea 1

Names are important. Your identity is wrapped up in your name. I would imagine that before you were born, your parents spent hours trying to think of a name for you. They wanted the perfect name that would roll off people’s lips, and would create a positive image. As we approached the birth of our […]

Devotions – Hosea introduction

INTRODUCTION I love being married.  My wife and I have a wonderful relationship based on love and trust.  I have to tell you that we have a lot of fun together, and our relationship brings a significant amount of joy.  I cannot think of anything worse in this life than to find out that my […]

Making Sense of Floods and Other Suffering

A few weeks ago, our family rented a movie that was produced by a church and released in theaters. The movie did fairly well, and we were pleasantly surprised at the quality of the cinematography. Yet, I struggled with the underlying message of the movie. Basically, the storyline pictured a person who had a litany […]

Devotion – John 21

Have you ever messed up? Especially with God, have you ever done something that almost made you ashamed to call yourself a Christian? I have, wow, lots of times. I can remember times when I was with people who asked me if I was a Christian, and somehow, I acted like I wasn’t. There have […]