Genesis Church: Blog - Page 278

Devotion – Exodus 25

It was time for God’s people to build a place of worship.  The Tabernacle would be a movable tent, with elaborate designs and incredible symbols of God’s presence.  In the center of this tent will be a place called the Holy of Holies, where the High Priest would make the sacrifice each year for the […]

Prayer Emphasis – Prayer Calendar

During May, we are going to have a church-wide prayer emphasis.  The Elders believe that our church needs to develop and grow in our individual and corporate prayer lives.  We see, even in ourselves a lack of dependence on God, a lack of desperation to experience His presence, and a shallowness in our prayer. As […]

Modern Issues and Lying – By Weston Ely

This past Sunday, we looked at Jesus’ moral teaching about taking oaths. The root of his teaching exposes our tendency to be dishonest. I used four categories to classify the reasons that we lie (Apathetic lies, Cowardly lies, Manipulative lies, and Malevolent lies). I also proposed that loving God and loving others is a formula […]

Mars Hill Easter Video

Some of you missed the live stream of Mars Hill’s Easter service, Born Again, and were wondering if you could watch the videos online. They now have one service and all of the baptism videos available to watch. You may also want to watch their Good Friday service.

Bible Reading Calendar for May

If you have been reading the Bible with us since January, here is the calendar.  And if you haven’t there is no better time to get started. bible-reading-plan-may