Genesis Church: Blog - Page 266

Devotion – Exodus 39

I don’t know about you, but obedience seems to be one of the hardest lessons for me to learn.  Not that anything in the Christian life is easy (actually everything in the Christian life is impossible apart from Christ), but I find it hard for me to give in to my will and obey God.  […]

Thom Rainer on unchurched attitudes toward churched people

Read this blog by Thom Rainer and it reminded me of the importance of living in Gospel ways with people who are not hanging out at church.  Wanted to pass it along.

Reason for God order form

In the month of October we will start a series of messages titled Doubting Your Doubts which will be based on the book The Reason for God by Tim Keller.  The book deals with some significant questions of doubt and struggle for people who are examining the Christian faith.  We would like to encourage everyone […]

Cardinals – can they go wrong with these guys?

Do the Cardinals acquisitions this year show some sort of divine interaction?  I heard about this the other day and found it to be funny.  How can the St. Louis Cardinals go wrong when the recent trades and signings are of Matthew, Mark, Lugo, and John (Matt Holiday, Mark DeRosa, Julio Lugo, and John Schmoltz). […]

Devotion – Exodus 38

Let’s recap what has taken place in this wonderful book.  It all began with God’s people in horrible slavery in Egypt.  But the birth of a baby named Moses was the beginning of hope.  God changed Moses, then used him to confront Pharoah.  God also performed incredible miracles to prove His power over Pharoah and […]