Genesis Church: Blog - Page 259

Advent Conspiracy – Our emphasis in December

We’ll begin a new series of messages and an entire emphasis in our service this Sunday.  The gist of the Advent Conspiracy emphasis is a challenge to enter the story of Christmas and have it transform us.  The idea is that if we genuinely experience the depth of the incarnation, that God will change our […]

Devotion – Hebrews 8

Have you ever wondered why the Bible is split into the Old Testament and New Testament?  The Bible has two major sections that are based on God’s dealing with men and women. Testament is the same word as covenant.   We don’t use this term or think in these ideas.  But if you were a Jew, […]

Advent Devotional 2009

Here’s the Genesis Church Advent 2009 Devotional. If you’d like to get a few more Advent resources, visit the Christ the King Presbyterian Church website.

Pujols, the MVP, and his “real job”

If you are a fan of baseball and the Cardinals at all, you know by now that Albert Pujols won the Most Valuable Player award in the National League, with a unanimous first place vote by the baseball writers.  We celebrate his abilities, and enjoy his natural gifts.  But as a follower of Jesus, I […]

Devotion – Hebrews 7

A number of men and women have come along through the centuries claiming to be the newest priest or spiritual guru.  Some of them have used Christian ideas to develop their religion.  People like Joseph Smith, the founder of Mormonism have claimed to have spoken to God and have a new revelation of Him.  “Follow […]