Genesis Church: Blog - Page 254

AP Article on Matt Chandler

A little over a month ago I informed our church through the blog and e-mail channels about Matt Chandler’s cancer, and asked everyone to pray for him.  On Thanksgiving Day, Matt collapsed, and subsequently found out that he had a significant brain tumor formed by an aggressive form of cancer.  I knew this guy would […]

Driscoll sermon on Haiti

Mark Driscoll from Mars Hill Church and the President of Acts 29 went to Haiti last week, and this past Sunday he preached on what he saw and how the experience impacted him.  I have to warn you it is tough, but I also want to encourage you to watch it.  He has several video […]

Questioning God over Haiti

Natural evil is one of the most difficult challenges to our faith in God.  When horrible natural events like the Haitian earthquake take place, many wonder why a God who could act did not.  Found this blog on the Resurgence website that is worth the read on this topic.

Devotion – Hebrews 13

My parents were always fairly generous and hospitable people.  I often remember my father developing relationships with people that he didn’t really even know.  And he was willing to do just about anything for those he met. One time, when I was around 8 years old, my dad met this blind lady.  He introduced this […]

Praying for Eureka like Nehemiah

On Sunday we looked at how Nehemiah responded to the news that the walls of Jerusalem were in rubble and the gates had been burned.  When Nehemiah heard that Jerusalem was a mess, his response was to weep, mourn, fast, and pray for the next four months.  I have a difficult time praying for our […]