Genesis Church: Blog - Page 235

Counterfeit Gods – A resource for thorns

Been using the blog to suggest books to people who hear the Sunday message and wrestle with the various types of dirt in the Parable of the Soils.  This week dirt was filled with thorns, representing those things in our lives that compete with God as the object of our allegiance and worship.  The Bible […]

Devotion – Proverbs 26

This devotion focuses on all of Proverbs 26. I have always said that if I could spend twenty minutes with a person and their friends, I can pretty much tell you everything about them.  It really doesn’t take long for a perceptive person to figure others out.  If you will watch, you can tell what […]

Psalm 4, Joy, and Idolatry

Those pesky thorns and weeds are impossible to get rid of.  Farmers use herbicides, and I use chemicals in my yard trying to kill weeds so the grass can grow.  But somehow they keep showing up.  This is so true in life too!  In the Parable of the Soils (Mark 4:1-20) Jesus uses thorns as […]

Devotion – Proverbs 25

Read all of Proverbs 25, the focus of this devotion is on Proverbs 25:21-22. Don’t you just love all the talk in the Bible about loving one another.  I mean, WOW, God wants us to love each other.  We get to have friends, and hang out.  We love people on the same team, or who […]

Gospel According to Jesus – Resource for Rocky Soil

Continued the series on Jesus’ parable of the soils yesterday, with our focus on the rocky soil.  The rocky soil represents people who quickly believe the Gospel, but have no root and after a short period of what seems to be Christian growth they quickly fall away when hardship arises.  I believe the issue Jesus […]