Genesis Church: Blog - Page 230

What we Tell our Kids About Santa Clause

It is that merry time of year when the celebration of the birth of Jesus is mixed with an ole tale of a jolly dude with a red suit and white beard, bringing gifts for our kids.  Where did this story come from?  And what are Christian parents to do with Santa Clause? Mark Driscoll […]

Devotion – 1 John 4

Love!  Love must be the most overused word in our society.  We “fall in love”, “making love”, and have “tough love”.  We use the same word when we talk about a husband or wife, our best friends, our family, sex, a favorite food (I love ice cream), and we even use the word in tennis […]

Shopping Mall Surprise

Shoppers having their lunch in a mall in Ontario got a surprise as a group began singing what is possibly the greatest piece of music ever written.  Enjoy!

Devotion – 1 John 3

Practice makes perfect!?  Have you heard this phrase before?  Maybe you play the piano, or a sport, and a teacher or coach has said this to you.  But do you realize that this statement is only a half truth? Let me explain.  When I was in high school, I was a successful baseball player and […]

Explaining Hanukkah – and a funny video to go with it

If you have Jewish friends you know that the festival of Hanukkah is currently being celebrated.  This morning I saw a funny video from some guys who call themselves the Maccabeats singing a song about the festival.  My guess is that most Christians don’t know much about the Festival of Lights or the Feast of […]