Genesis Church: Blog - Page 226

Leadership Lessons from the Dancing Guy

Funny video on youtube, with some interesting lessons on leadership.   This is very much what it feels like to plant a church or start a ministry.

John Stott – Death of a Guy Who Lived Like Jesus

John Stott has been a very influential writer and thinker for me.  The first book of his I read was Basic Christianity, a short explanation of the reason Jesus came and the simplicity of the Gospel.  I’ve read other books he wrote, but none has shaped my thinking more than his book The Cross of […]

Devotion – Judges 17

Does it matter HOW you worship God?  A lot of people believe that as long as you worship God, it doesn’t matter how you do it?  As long as you come to church and sing the songs.  As long as you have a good feeling in your heart, and think about God in some way, […]

Self-Esteem, Pride, and Humility

“God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” – James 4:6 Most of us would not associate self-esteem with pride.  In a very real way, our culture has told us that self-love is the key to happiness, achievement, and worth.  Our children are often told that the problem is that they do not […]

Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage – Position Paper from the Elders

This past Sunday the sermon from Mark 10 dealt with the topic of Marriage and Divorce.  We know that this topic will raise a lot of questions, and there is not enough time in a sermon to deal with all of these.  So the Elders have composed a position paper and published it here to […]