Genesis Church: Blog - Page 200

Les Mis – A story about grace and law

I am so excited about the release of the Les Miserables movie on Christmas Day.  It is one of the great stories ever written (long before there was a musical it was a book by Victor Hugo).  The story has deep storylines about grace, Gospel, law, and fallen humanity.  Saw this blog on the Gospel […]

Free Advent Devotional E-Book from Desiring God

This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent Season, starting the fourth Sunday before Christmas.  Advent is a season of preparation for our celebration of the incarnation (that God became flesh and dwelt among us in Christ).  The good people at Desiring God have provided a wonderful little resource that can be used individually or […]

Men’s Fishing Trip Flyer/Registration Form

This document is the information flyer and registration form for our annual men’s fishing trip to Arkansas on February 21-23.  Registration is taking place during November. Men’s Fishing Trip Info Sheet

Vote for Jesus, Part 2 – No King But Jesus

Watch almost any political ad and you will hear messianic type promises.  The ad will point out some problem that they identify as THE problem that has to be solved if humanity is going to go on in America.  They will then share how the candidate that is being promoted is the true hope if […]

Vote for Jesus, Part 1 – Voting as Stewardship

Are you tired of the political ads yet?  Non-stop, one candidate or group after another bashing their opponent while trying to convince you that if you would cast your vote for him or her all your problems would be solved.  As we head to the big election in November the rhetoric will keep increasing, and […]