Genesis Church: Blog - Page 196

Summer Reading – The Insanity of God

Want a good book for summer reading.  I just finished the book The Insanity of God by Nik Ripken (a pseudonym to protect those in other lands where he has served and himself) has absolutely wrecked me (in amazing ways), instilled passion in my faith, and encouraged me immensely.  It is a fast-paced story of […]

The Insanity of God – Book Referenced on Sunday

I am completely enjoying and being challenged to my very core by the book The Insanity of God: A True story of Faith Resurrected by Nik Ripken (a pseudonym for reasons you will figure out while reading the book).  I referenced a story from the book about the persecution of a Russian Christian during the […]

May is Prayer Month at Genesis – Prayer Journal

I am so excited about this.  While every month is prayer month, we focus on prayer as a congregation during the month of May.  So whether you are a part of our church or not, we would like to invite you to join us in praying for our community, church, and the world.  Our Prayer […]

William Borden Died 100 Years Ago Today

William Borden was the heir to the Borden dairy empire, a path to a luxurious, wealthy, and secure life.  But God did a work in his life, and Borden surrendered to give his life to missions.  The video below shares about his life, and his death 100 years ago today.  May we discover the Gospel […]

Propitiation and Expiation – What Jesus Accomplished on the Cross

This weekend we celebrate Jesus!  OK, so we celebrate Jesus every weekend, and hopefully every day of our lives, but the weekend of Good Friday and Easter are special days for us to stop and consider what Jesus did for us, in our place.  At the heart of the event is the death of Jesus […]