Genesis Church: Blog - Page 194

Haiti Trip – Day 6

Sitting on the beach today posting this blog.  This is the reward for a good, hard week of work and love for Haiti.  The beach is like a Caribbean Beach, something out of one of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies.  It is an oasis in Haiti, does not seem to fit.  But it is […]

Haiti – Day 5

It has been a really good week here for us.  Haiti is a great place, but also a tough place.  The House of Hope Orphanage and all that goes on here is like a giant light in the midst of a dark place.  As I sit on the roof tonight and look out across the […]

Haiti Report – Day 3 & 4

Tabitha Sheaver wrote the post for the last two days.  Been a great trip so far.  Keep praying for us.  We are in the middle of a break right now at a place called the Guest House, swimming in their pool.  A refreshing time for all of us.  Also, a quick update on Allison.  Thanks […]

Notes from the Sermon – Supra vs. Infra

1. Can you explain how our choices affect God’s election, if at all? i.e. people denying, accepting or forsaking the Gospel? The monergistic view (1-handed salvation, or salvation based solely on God’s choice) believes that when God sets out to have a relationship with a person, then God will make sure that this relationship will […]

Haiti Trip – Day 1 and 2

Today is Wednesday, and it is hot in Haiti.  Our hope is to put a post on the Genesis blog every day or two to give updates, share prayer needs, and let everyone know how things are going.  A recap of our first couple days, which have been an adventure.  Genesis Haiti team arrived at […]