Genesis Church: Blog - Page 191

Art of Marriage Retreat Weekend Hosted by Genesis Church

Genesis Church will be hosting a weekend marriage retreat on November 8-9 using the Art of Marriage video material from Family Life Today. Nov. 8, 7PM – Nov. 9, 4:30PM Wildwood Hotel in Wildwood, MO $140 per couple, includes room in hotel on Friday night and breakfast on Saturday morning $70 per couple—conference only All […]

Jonathan Edwards Biography – Free Resource on is a web resource with a myriad of great Christian books available in audiobook format for download.  Each month they provide a free book for people who visit the site, and this month the book is A Short Life of Jonathan Edwards by George Marsden.  Edwards is probably the most important thinker in American […]

“I Have a Dream” – 50 Years Ago Today

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech during the civil rights March on Washington D. C. on August 28, 1963, or 50 years ago today.  That speech was a pivotal moment in the struggle for civil rights in our nation, and a point in history where our country had […]

Gay Marriage – Answering Questions Raised in Service

During last week’s service we had a bunch of questions texted to us on our topic. Here are answers to each question. Weston has answered all of them, I’ve (Mike) thrown a few responses in as well. Do you think the church is making a huge mistake by making gay Marriage a big issue? You […]

Resources from Sunday – Gay Marriage

This past Sunday Weston did an amazing job dealing with a difficult topic.  This blog has resources for further study and interaction. Washed and Waiting by Wesley Hill – This book helps people understand that same-sex attraction can be more than a choice, it can be a predisposition. I (Weston) disagree with Hill’s use of […]