Genesis Church: Blog - Page 185

Thoughts on Heaven Books & Movies

This weekend we will be talking about the reality of heaven in our Sunday service.  The recent movie and corresponding book titled Heaven is For Real has a lot of people thinking about the existence of heaven.  This is one of many recent books written by people who have had near-death experiences sharing their stories […]

Quotes and Bible Passages on the Reality of Hell

We are continuing our series on eschatology at Genesis this morning, and our study today brings us to the topic of God’s justice and wrath and the reality of hell.  Wanted to throw out some quotes from writers and theologians as well as a long list of passages on this difficult subject. “I’m scared [to […]

Genesis Church May Prayer Devotion Book

May is prayer month at Genesis.  OK, so every month should be prayer month, but during May we intentionally seek to get our people involved in prayer in multiple ways.  We do this because we believe God works in our lives through prayer and He acts as a response to our prayers.  This is an […]

Bible Passages on the Day of the Lord and the Second Coming of Christ

Sermon this morning is on the concept of the Day of the Lord (mentioned in 2 Peter 3:10) and the Second Coming of Jesus.  Way more Scripture on these (actually I should say this because the Day of the Lord and the Second Coming of Jesus are two phrases speaking of the same event).  So […]

Our Elders – Genesis Mighty Men

Been reading the life of David in 1 Samuel during my time in the Word, and read 1 Samuel 23 this morning.  This chapter gives us a list of the names and exploits of David’s mighty men, a group of 30 men who were incredibly loyal to David and skilled as warriors.  This chapter is […]