Thoughts on Heaven Books & Movies

This weekend we will be talking about the reality of heaven in our Sunday service.  The recent movie and corresponding book titled Heaven is For Real has a lot of people thinking about the existence of heaven.  This is one of many recent books written by people who have had near-death experiences sharing their stories of experience in what they perceived is the afterlife.  While these books may give some hope, there is also danger is accepting personal testimony as the most significant evidence of heaven.  If you have read this book or seen the movie and found it to be compelling, don’t fret.  But I also want to encourage all of us to put our hope in the revelation of Jesus in the Scriptures as our most important, best, and final authority on the reality of heaven.  It is in the text of Scripture that we truly see that heaven is for real.

Personally, I haven’t read any of these books or seen the movie.  Rather than writing a bunch of stuff on this myself, I thought it might be helpful for me to publish some links coming from people who have looked at these stories through the lens of Scripture.

Book Review of Heaven is for Real from Gospel Coalition

You Don’t Have to Read the Book to Know that Heaven is for Real

David Platt on the Subject

John Piper interview on Heaven is for Real

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