Genesis Church: Blog - Page 177

Praying the Bible – Super Practical Book on Prayer

Been reading and loving Don Whitney’s new book Praying the Bible, and want to recommend this book.  Like many, I often find prayer the most difficult of the spiritual disciplines.  I find myself being repetitive and struggling with how to pray, what to pray for, and how to stay focused in my prayer.  It can […]

Gay Marriage and the Current Culture – A Good Thing for Christians!?

Well, its been almost two weeks since the marriage decision handed down by the Supreme Court  I have done a lot of thinking about the implications and challenges that lie ahead for people who trust in Jesus.  In all honesty, the decision and the culture shift that led to this actually signals the end of […]

How is the Church to Respond to Supreme Court Decision

The other shoe has dropped, as the Supreme Court has decided in a narrow decision handed down this morning to redefine marriage for our entire country.  As most who believe in the authority of the Bible and the right of the One True God to define our lives, I am saddened by the decision, but […]

James Study Guide

James Study Guide SERMON SERIES ON JAMES INTRODUCTION, STUDY NOTES, AND SERMON TOPICS After completing a long series on the book of Exodus, we turn to a very practical book of the New Testament, the Epistle of James (Epistle is a Latin term that means a letter). As a book, James is actually one of […]

God Wrote a Book – From Desiring God

Love this video from Desiring God, a fresh reminder of why being in the Scriptures each day is so important.  Take some time to watch.