Category Archive: Theological issues - Page 11

Judgement Day – come and gone
Posted May 21st, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

A lot of frenzy over the crazy prediction by a false prophet named Harold Camping that the end of the world was coming today.  Well, 8 PM has come and gone, and we are still here.  This is a stark reminder that we must be on guard against false teachers and prophets, and that we […]

Responding as Christians to Bin Laden’s death
Posted May 4th, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

A member of Genesis sent me an e-mail asking about our response to the news of Usama Bin Laden’s death.  As we watch people celebrate, is this the appropriate response for us?  Also, how does this situation relate to the Commandment not to kill?  Here is the response I wrote.  I it might be good […]

Rob Bell, Hell, and the danger of losing our theological soul
Posted April 18th, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

The belief in hell is absolutely one of the most difficult beliefs for American Christians to rationalize and defend.  In a culture that looks for the soft fluffy God who will never judge but only loves people, no matter what they have done or what they believe, this doctrine puts Bible-believing followers in Jesus is […]

Change Your Bible Reading – A Great Blog on How to Read the Bible
Posted April 2nd, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

We constantly and deeply encourage people to read the Bible, to spend time in the Scriptures for themselves.  Reading the Bible can and should be deeply rewarding, but is also a challenge, especially as you get to parts of the Bible that seem odd or culturally different.  Add to this the crazy stories of wacked […]

Satan and Demons – Spiritual Warfare and gaining victory
Posted March 22nd, 2011 by Mike Hubbard

This is the final blog answering some questions raised in the sermon a couple weeks ago as we looked at a demon-possessed man.  The final installment here will look at the things the Bible says about spiritual warfare and our source of victory. The first issue though, is to know the reality that victory is […]