Category Archive: Suggested Resources - Page 12

A couple free resources this week
Posted April 2nd, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

Wanted to make those of you who read this blog aware of some very good free resources available online. First, as we move toward Easter, Mark Driscoll has made the chapter on the Resurrection of Jesus from his book Doctrine available for download.  This is a very good and very readable systematic theology book. and […]

Quote from Tim Keller – Used by Weston in sermon on Sunday
Posted March 14th, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

Great message by Weston Ely this past Sunday on Ephesians 2:8-10.  In the sermon he referenced the book The Prodigal God by Tim Keller and gave a quote from the book.  Wanted to pass on the quote, very good one, about the nature of the Gospel.  Great quote from an excellent book.  We have it […]

Desiring God books – all $5
Posted February 15th, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

Desiring God is the ministry coming from pastor and author John Piper.  If you are not familiar with Piper, he is one of the most respected and solid authors and Bible teachers in American Christianity.  I have more books of his in my personal library than any other author, and with this deal plan on […]

Last Minute Valentine Gift – Two Good Books
Posted February 14th, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

OK, guys, if you are reading this on the afternoon of Valentine’s Day, and you don’t have a gift for your wife you are in a load of trouble.  But it is not too late to come up with a great idea, even one that will make your marriage much better, not only on Valentine’s […]

Limited-Unlimited Atonement
Posted February 13th, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

On Sunday our text in Ephesians took us into areas of theology that can be controversial.  Words like “chosen”, “election”,  and “predestination” can be a lightning rod, leaving Christian people in a heated argument.  I’ve even had people ask me in a bit of a combative tone of voice, “You don’t believe in that predestination […]