Category Archive: Suggested Resources - Page 10

Good Books for Parents – Some Suggested Reading
Posted August 13th, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

After encouraging parents to continue reading as they seek to honor God, love Jesus, and lead their children, I wanted to give a few book recommendations for parents. Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Ted Tripp – In my opinion, best all around book for parents who need to understand what it looks like to raise […]

Free E-Book Biographies by John Piper
Posted August 10th, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

Really awesome of Desiring God to make these biography books available free on their website.  Great stories.  I just began reading the one on John Paton, it is so inspiring, challenging, and amazing to see a man who was used by God to reach cannibals with the Gospel. In reading, I was reminded of one […]

PDL – Week 6 Memory Verse
Posted May 20th, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

The Psalmist says, “I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you (Psalm 119:11).”  If you have memorized your verses, you have started a habit that drives the Scriptures deep.  Memorize this verse, but don’t end there.  Keep finding passages and verses to meditate on and memorize.  Make it […]

PDL – Week 5 Memory Verse
Posted May 13th, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

Memory verse number five.  Are you enjoying the memorization of God’s Word?  Keep it going! 1 Peter 4:10 New International Version (©1984) Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms. New Living Translation (©2007) God has given each of you a gift from […]

PDL – Week 4 Memory Verse
Posted May 6th, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

One great verse, multiple translations to choose from.  Pick one and add to your memory. And h5ere is an extra challenge.  See if you can memorize this verse, but add to it everything up to verse 11. Phillipians 2:5 New International Version (©1984) Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: New […]