Category Archive: Sermon Thoughts - Page 8

Bible Reading & Study Tools
Posted January 27th, 2019 by Mike Hubbard

We asked you to share your favorite books, resources, websites, apps, and tools that help you read and study the Bible, as well as pass it on to your kids and family.  This is the result.  Lots of amazing resources here.  The goal, find a few that are helpful and develop a life-long rhythm of […]

Bible Tools
Posted January 21st, 2019 by Mike Hubbard

For our sermon next Sunday we need a little bit of your help. It is our plan to share as many apps, websites, resources, and other tools that are helpful for personal Bible reading and study, the application of Scripture, and even tools for helping you read and study the Bible with your kids or […]

Divine Inspiration – How we Know the Bible is from God (Part 2) – Bible Prophecies
Posted January 16th, 2019 by Mike Hubbard

In the first post of this series I shared that my goal was to write  a series of posts giving evidence of the divine inspiration of the Bible.  At Genesis we believe in a view of inspiration called plenary-verbal inspiration.  This view basically affirms that human authors were writing, but their human words were literally […]

Divine Inspiration – How we Know the Bible is from God (Part 1) – The Unity of the Bible
Posted January 14th, 2019 by Mike Hubbard

This is the first part of a four part series of blog posts hoping to answer this question, is the Bible merely a book about God or is it actually from God?  Amazon has at least 80,000 books about God, some more helpful than others.  Every major religion has a holy book, as well  As […]

The Key to Joy – Contentment
Posted December 2nd, 2018 by Mike Hubbard

Paul says he has learned the key to joy, and it is contentment in any situation.  Look at his words. I rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at length you have revived your concern for me. You were indeed concerned for me, but you had no opportunity. Not that I am speaking of being […]