Category Archive: Sermon Thoughts - Page 47

Choosing a Good Bible Translation
Posted January 22nd, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

In translating the Bible into English, three general categories of translation are most common. Word for word translations, thought for thought translations, and paraphrases. The same three options are also used in the translation of other ancient books into English. Word for word translations make a special effort to carefully interpret each word from their […]

The authority of the Bible and the ability of God
Posted January 16th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

My seminary experience was rather interesting and sad.  I went to the school seeking a master’s degree, but also to study to be a better pastor, preacher, and leader.  I thought I would go to this school and spend most of my time studying the great truths found in the Bible.  I was shocked to […]

The Bible’s Claims about Itself
Posted January 13th, 2009 by Mike Hubbard

This past Sunday we began a new series of messages on the importance and use of the Bible.  The claim this week was that God has spoken, and that the Bible is the clearest form of communication that God has given humanity.  The question I seek to address in this blog is whether or not […]

Merry Christmas – May you find the joy of Ebenezer!
Posted December 24th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

Since we have been doing a series on the story of Ebenezer Scrooge in A Christmas Carol, I thought I’d send out a post wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, and encouraging you to find the joy of Scrooge.  Here are the last two paragraphs in Dickens’ book. Scrooge was better than his word.  He did […]

Questions and Doubts – #3
Posted November 11th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

Why do I feel so far away from God sometimes and so close at other times? It’s been a couple weeks since I answered one of these questions, but here is another good one.  A few weeks back we talked about dealing with questions and doubts in the Sunday service.  We gave people in the […]