Category Archive: Sermon Thoughts - Page 24

Primary Texts on our Freedom that is found in Christ
Posted July 12th, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

This past Sunday we looked at our Freedom in Christ during worship at Genesis, answering this question as part of our Top 10 List Series, What does it look like to practically live out our true freedom in Christ, and how do I deal with the guilt and anxiety in my life even though I […]

Resources on Anxiety
Posted July 2nd, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

During Q&A time on Sunday I said I would post resources on anxiety here, so here are a few books, blogs, etc. on topic.  Some of these came by recommendation, others were referenced on Sunday. Blog Posts & Articles How to Battle Anxiety with the Promises of God by John Piper Thinking Biblically about Worry […]

The Insanity of God – Book Referenced on Sunday
Posted April 30th, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

I am completely enjoying and being challenged to my very core by the book The Insanity of God: A True story of Faith Resurrected by Nik Ripken (a pseudonym for reasons you will figure out while reading the book).  I referenced a story from the book about the persecution of a Russian Christian during the […]

My Friends Call Me… The Name of God in Exodus 3 and the Rest of the Bible
Posted March 24th, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

Exodus 3 is the account of an amazing conversation between Moses and God, as God speaks from a burning bush that is not consumed.  In the story God gives Moses a new name for himself, a name that His people will use in the context of covenant relationship.  While the name, Yahweh is used in […]

Discovering Idolatry – Issues of Faith, Hope, and Love
Posted March 6th, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three…  I Corinthians 13:13 John Calvin said the human heart is an idol factory.  Augustine, who lived in the fourth century and is one of the greatest thinkers in the history of the church said, “Idolatry is worshiping anything that ought to be used and using anything […]