Category Archive: Sermon Thoughts - Page 21

Jesus and the New Testament Writers – What is the Basis of their Authority to Write Scripture
Posted January 28th, 2014 by Mike Hubbard

I recently had a conversation with a friend about the Canon of the New Testament and the authority of the writers who wrote the New Testament documents.  In our conversation I said that the Apostles had a commission from Jesus to write His Word, but that authority ended with their death.  My friend asked me […]

Christmas, Christology, and Chalcedon
Posted December 25th, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

“The kingdom of the Christ-child gets to work when we stop, and pause, and look in wonder once more at the baby lying in the manger.”  N. T. Wright Hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas.  I love this season.  If you were to hang around with the Hubbard family you would learn that we […]

Praying for the Persecuted Church
Posted November 6th, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

This past Sunday was the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.  As a church, we have decided to make it a month-long journey.  Join us in spending a month learning about those who are persecuted for their faith around the world, finding solidarity with them, and praying for those who are hurting because […]

Submitting to Authority vs. Standing against Unrighteousness in the Government
Posted October 17th, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

In the sermon this past Sunday about Living as Citizens I raised the question on whether there are times followers of Jesus should ignore the teaching of the text on the submission to the governmental authorities.  Sadly, there are many who claim the name of Jesus who also ignore this passage altogether.  Some do not pay […]

Living as Citizens – Praying for those in Authority
Posted October 15th, 2013 by Mike Hubbard

Sunday sermon on 1 Peter 2:11-17 looked at how followers of Jesus live as citizens under human authorities while we recognize Jesus as our True King.  At the end of the sermon mentioned a simple application was to pray for those in authority over us, and even purposefully pray for them by name.  Many in […]