Category Archive: Movies

Some thoughts on The Shack
Posted February 27th, 2017 by Mike Hubbard

Spent a few minutes in yesterday’s sermon referencing the book The Shack and forthcoming movie base on it.  As I mentioned, I have concerns about the view of God presented in the story.  I want to give a little clarity on my words by sharing a few blog posts from people who have written on […]

Worldview, Media, and Staying Informed
Posted November 20th, 2015 by Mike Hubbard

Andy did a great job preaching on Sunday about assessing the world of media through a Christian worldview. There are some terrific online resources that can help us make wise decisions on our media and also assess them through the lense of a Christian worldview.  Here are a few of those. Plugged In Online – […]

Thoughts on Heaven Books & Movies
Posted May 8th, 2014 by Mike Hubbard

This weekend we will be talking about the reality of heaven in our Sunday service.  The recent movie and corresponding book titled Heaven is For Real has a lot of people thinking about the existence of heaven.  This is one of many recent books written by people who have had near-death experiences sharing their stories […]

Al Mohler on the Noah Movie
Posted April 5th, 2014 by Mike Hubbard

The number one movie last week was Noah starring Russel Crowe.  By all means, go see the movie, but realize that there are some theological and story issues with the movie.  Rather than writing on this myself, wanted to post a link to a very good article by Albert Mohler on the new Noah movie.  If […]

Les Mis – A story about grace and law
Posted December 21st, 2012 by Mike Hubbard

I am so excited about the release of the Les Miserables movie on Christmas Day.  It is one of the great stories ever written (long before there was a musical it was a book by Victor Hugo).  The story has deep storylines about grace, Gospel, law, and fallen humanity.  Saw this blog on the Gospel […]