Category Archive: Missional living - Page 18

Cheering for the Other Side – A beautiful picture of the mission of God
Posted December 25th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

I came across this article today, and thought it was incredible.  I was amazed on several different levels.  First, I was amazed to see a group of people l iving the Mission of God in such an incredible way!  This story is amazing and should challenge all of us to find ways to demonstrate the […]

Gospel attitudes about wealth – generosity
Posted September 16th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

I’ve already written posts commenting on two of four gospel oriented attitudes about wealth.  I think it is important to avoid some extremes when speaking of money, and our excesses.  The legalistic approach claims that wealth in and of itself is evil, and that Christians should not have money or wealth.  The problem with this […]

$1 for the Kingdom
Posted August 31st, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

At church this morning we gave each person in attendance a $1 coin.  We may be the first church in history to pass the offering basket and ask people to take money.  The challenge was to see the $1 as God’s money, Kingdom money, and find a way to make a difference with it.  While […]

Mission Trip Update
Posted June 3rd, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

I am sitting in a parking lot getting a very weak internet signal, and this is about the best I could do.  But I thought it was worth it to find a free public wifi location to leave everyone back home a bit of an update on our trip to Oak Grove, KY.  There are […]

Martin & Gracia Burnham – Missionaries to the Philippines
Posted May 29th, 2008 by Mike Hubbard

We used a video this past Sunday of missionary pilots, Martin & Gracia Burnham.  These two were captured by terrorists while living in the Philippines.  If you didn’t see the video, click this link. I’ve heard from a few of you wanting more information about their story, so I have found a couple articles from […]