Category Archive: Family Life - Page 12

Everybody Loves Marriage – Week 8 Project, Singles
Posted July 2nd, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

This week’s message talked about God’s plan for sex and how we as fallen people make a god out of sexuality. One of the sins involved is having sex with the wrong person. Obviously, the desire to have sex is a significant problem for single people. We all want it, and given the right circumstances, […]

Everybody Loves Marriage – Week 8 Project, Couples
Posted July 2nd, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

This week the message dealt with sex, so we thought it would be good to revisit some aspects we have talked about already. Sex is a microcosm of marriage, meaning that when there are struggles in your marriage, it will carry over into your sex life, and when you are struggling sexually, it will have […]

Bill & Ruth – an example of covenant marriage
Posted June 26th, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

You have probably heard of the death of Ruth Graham, the wife of evangelist Billy Graham, last week. We learn from the Bible that the death of God’s people is precious in His sight. Yet, I am sure that her death has grieved her family and husband. I am writing this blog because her story, […]

Week 7 Project – Singles
Posted June 23rd, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

This week we want to encourage you to put the principle of stewardship into action. Take a $10 bill. The goal is to see this $10 as completely God’s money, but He has given it to you to use for His purpose. Begin by praying over this money and ask God to lead you in […]

Week 7 Project – Couples
Posted June 23rd, 2007 by Mike Hubbard

This week we want to encourage you to put the principle of stewardship into action. Take a $10 bill together. The goal is to see this $10 as completely God’s money, but He has given it to you as a couple to use for His purpose. As a couple, pray over this money and ask […]