Category Archive: Church News - Page 3

Move Back to Blevins on November 1
Posted October 23rd, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

We are excited to announce that we are moving back to our normal Sunday gathering home next week, Sunday, November 1.  We are also going to be providing Genesis Kids for the first time since the pandemic began.  Our services will be at our normal time, 10 AM (don’t forget this is Fall Back Sunday […]

Gathering at the Genesis Church Office This Sunday, October 4
Posted October 2nd, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

A little slow announcing our location news this week as we have been watching the forecast.  Earlier in the week they were predicting rain, but as we move toward the weekend that forecast has changed, and it looks like it will be a beautiful and cool day.  So our Sunday gathering this week will take […]

Sunday Service back at Church Office this Week, September 27
Posted September 23rd, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

Our first week at the church office was a success.  So our Sunday gathering this week will take place outdoors on the parking lot of the Genesis Church Office located at 102 Wengler Rd. (map link below).  We will gather at 10 AM, and the service will also be livestreamed as well.  We are making […]

Back to Brookdale Farms this Sunday
Posted August 21st, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

A reminder that we are returning to Brookdale Farms on Sunday for our worship gathering.  Looking forward to preaching from Isaiah 6 and Isaiah’s vision of God, the throne room, and His presence filling the Temple and glory filling the earth.  Hope to see you, or join us on the livestream. Brookdale Farms Map

Sunday Gathering at Legion Park – This Week Only
Posted August 12th, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

We have a change in our Sunday gathering location this Sunday.  Brookdale Farms has been so generous to Genesis and we deeply appreciate their making the facilities available for us, but this week they have another event booked.  So we will be holding our Sunday gathering at the Legion Park Pavilion this Sunday, returning to […]