Category Archive: All About Life - Page 2

Thinking about Justice this Martin Luther King Holiday
Posted January 18th, 2021 by Mike Hubbard

Happy Martin Luther King Day.  As you are enjoying the day, let me encourage you to think about the issue of Biblical justice.  Throwing a few things out for your consideration. This article by Tim Keller is from his book Generous Justice and looks at the question, “what is Biblical justice?”  I referenced a quote […]

Making Juneteenth a Day of Prayer and Fasting – Part 2, Prayer Guide and Plan
Posted June 17th, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

Wrote a post yesterday encouraging us to know a little bit about Juneteenth and also asking us to consider prayer and fasting this Friday for justice and racial reconciliation to honor that day.   This post is to give us a couple ways we can enter into prayer for these issues.  I also want to remind […]

Making Juneteenth a Day of Prayer and Fasting – Part 1, a Call to Prayer
Posted June 16th, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

My guess is that many who read this have never heard of Juneteenth, or even if you have heard of it, may not know the meaning.  In my opinion, this day should be a holiday, remembered and honored by all of us.  It is a day that is solemnly remembered by the majority of our […]

WHEN EQUALITY ISN’T – Guest post by Leslie Holdegraver
Posted June 1st, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

I saw this blog post from Leslie Holdegraver and wanted to share it in light of the events going on in our nation.  In a culture of outrage where we are quick to take up an opinion, let me encourage all of us to listen and have compassion toward our brown and black skinned neighbors […]

Leaning in to the Moment – Don’t Waste Your Quarantine
Posted April 3rd, 2020 by Mike Hubbard

I saw an article recently that hit me pretty hard.  Apparently, in China, the divorce rate has spiked in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic.  “Divorce rates in the country (China) have risen significantly  because ‘couples are spending too much time together at home during self-isolation.”   We would be foolish to think the same […]