The God Who is There

Referenced a book that I am really enjoying in the sermon this morning,  The God who is There written by theologian D. A. Carson.  The basic purpose of the book is to trace the big storyline of the Bible and show how this meta-narrative points us to Jesus.  By doing so Carson demonstrates that God has entered our story and has made Himself close to us.

This is a book that is worth reading, no matter where you are in your journey of faith.  The beautiful thing this book can do for the reader is to help him learn how to read the Bible keeping the big story in mind.  Way too often Bible readers get lost in the minute details losing sight of the big story, but the small stories only make sense when the person realizes how it fits in the greater narrative of the Bible.  The reason I like this book so much and want to encourage you to jump online and order is because Carson will help you learn how to read the Bible and find the main character (Jesus) not matter how much experience you have with reading the Bible.

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