A Psalm 22 Prayer For Good Friday

As part of our liturgy during our Psalms series we have asked different members of our church to close the sermon with a prayer from the Psalm that had been preached.  This past Sunday we covered the great lament Psalm that foreshadowed and prophesied of the cross in Psalm 22.  One of our members, Doug Brickey led us with this prayer.  I was moved and thought it would be good for us today as we think about the sacrifice Christ made on our behalf.

God, why do you feel so far away when I feel like I need you the most?

In my mind, I know you are here, but in my heart, I feel alone.

I know that your Word says that all things work together for good, but sometimes it sure doesn’t feel like it.

Please help me to remember all of the good things you have done for me, and not to dwell on the things of this world that bring me down.

Most importantly, don’t let me forget what Jesus did for me!

I deserve pain and death for my sinfulness, but Jesus didn’t.

He took the pain that I deserved;

He hung up on that cross in agony, while people spit at him and mocked him.

He died the death that I should have died.


Whatever I am going through is nothing compared to what he went through.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the gift of Jesus!

The gift of Jesus shows how much you love us

The gift of Jesus shows that you have not forgotten us

Praise God for saving us!

Holy Spirit, help us to not forget that you are with us and you are for us, even when we don’t feel it

You are working everything for our good

And nothing will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.

You have conquered death through your resurrection

And you will reign forever.


One Response to “A Psalm 22 Prayer For Good Friday”

  1. Mike S says:

    This was indeed a beautiful prayer Doug. Thank you. Awesome prayer and awesome song for this week!